viernes, 27 de abril de 2007

Sabiduría y trabajo

"Actually, there are three ways to increase your intelligence:
  • First, continually expand the scope, source and intensity of the information you receive;
  • Second, constantly revise your reality maps, and seek new metaphors about the future to understand what's happening now;
  • And last, but not least, develop external networks for increasing intelligence. In particular, spend all your time with people that are as smart or smarter than you. We assume that you are the Intelligence Agent from your gene pool, so you will seek Intelligence Agents from other gene-pools who will stimulate you to get smarter."
Aleister Crowley

"As long as you cannot clearly verbalize your intuition, the only thing you will communicate is your own confusion."

Eli Goldratt

"El primer noventa por ciento del trabajo requiere el diez por ciento del tiempo y el último diez por ciento, el noventa por ciento restante."

Regla del 90/90 de programación de proyectos
(La Ley de Murphy, Arthur Bloch)

Si no puedes deslumbrar con tu sabiduría, desconcierta con gilipolleces.

Clásica firma de los foros de Internet

Frases leídas en los blogs: microsiervos y nodos en la red

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